Zapier (integrate)


Integrate with Zapier

Automate workflows with no code by connecting Chatfully with 2,000+ apps on Zapier!

Try it free

Now, you can send texts (SMS/Direct Messages) to your team's leads from within Zapier, add them to your contacts, and start chats automatically.

Our app is currently in Private mode while pending approval from Zapier's team. In the interim, please select the following "Gain access" button to receive an invite.

Gain access to Zapier

Step 1

Log into your Zapier account. Then, find the Zaps section. Then, select "​Make a New Zap".

Step 2

Select a Trigger which will provide data (Contact Name, Phone Number, etc.) to Chatfully. For example, this can be another App, an API request, or a timed event.

Step 3

Select an Action. Search for and select "Chatfully".

Step 4

Set the Action Event to "Send SMS" and select "Continue".

Step 5

Use the login button to login with your existing Chatfully account (if not already logged-in). Then, select the account from the drop-down and click Continue.

Step 6

Select and enter the data options for linking your chosen Trigger to Chatfully and click Continue.

Step 7

Test your Zap.

Step 8

Select "Turn on Zap".

Step 9

Your Zap is On.

Chat. Without limits

Centralize communication in team inboxes, chat at scale, and follow-up with opportunities faster.

Try it free

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